How to Change Message ID Delivery Receipts to Hexadecimal Format How to Change Message ID Delivery Receipts to Hexadecimal Format

How to Change Message ID Delivery Receipts to Hexadecimal Format

Nexmo Support


Receiving Delivery Receipts from SMPP in hexadecimal format rather than the default decimal format.

Applies To

  • SMPP
  • Delivery Receipts


By default, Vonage SMPP returns the Message ID parameter on the deliver_sm using a decimal format. If you prefer the Message ID to be in hexadecimal format in the deliver_sm PDU, you can modify it in your dashboard.

  1. Log in to your Vonage API Dashboard.
  2. Select your username to expand the menu.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Under API Settings, select the relevant API key.
  5. Check the box next to DLR Format Message Id is Hex to receive the Message ID in hexadecimal format.