Why can customers only see EUR prices in their customer dashboard and notifications about price changes also show only EUR prices?
Applies to:
- Vonage API Dashboard
- Pricing
The Vonage customer dashboard is always showing prices in EUR currency. Due to some technical limitations the agreed local currency pricing i.e. in JPY, USD etc can not be displayed.
Similarly, the notification email that customers are receiving on the back of a price change will always show prices information in EUR, not in the local currency agreed.
This limitation does not affect the price that customers agreed with their sales account manager in the local currency i.e. JPY. The conversion of the agreed local price to an EUR equivalent price is done using an internal system rate. This EUR equivalent price is displayed on the customer dashboard. By using that same internal system rate to convert the EUR price back to the local currency pricing for billing, customers' usage will be charged the correct agreed local currency price.
Please contact your account manager to get further details on the internal system rate used to calculate the EUR equivalent prices.
Note: We are working on fixing our technical limitations to support the storage and display of local currency prices.
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